Change of managing director on November 1, 2020
Mr. Rocco Gerlach handed over the management of Brainware Solutions GmbH to Mr. Jens Rätz-Weise on November 1st, 2020. Due to the strong growth of the company in recent years, the tasks in the management also grew steadily.
We have taken this into account by structuring departments and dividing up competencies. For this reason, Mr. Gerlach has not come to the fore as managing director in recent years.
He concentrated more on the new and further development of our software products as well as the training of other software developers. The handover of the management was now the logical step with which the practically lived situation - also to the outside world - is made clear. Mr. Rätz-Weise has been with the company for over 13 years. He has personally experienced all areas of activity and has played a key role in shaping the processes in the departments. In the more recent past he was a manager responsible for sales, customer care, project management and production. He will continue the existing cooperation with our customers, suppliers and business partners in a trustworthy manner.
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