Plug-and-Produce - interchangeable mounting fixtures with automatic contacting
Exemplary illustration of four assembly mounting fixtures
On request, we can offer you our assembly systems or screwing systems with interchangeable assembly mounting fixtures with automatic decontacting and contacting. This means that mounting fixtures can be exchanged in the shortest possible time in the current production process in the sense of plug-and-produce.
These plug-and-produce mounting fixtures can be equipped individually depending on the application (see figure).
Advantages in the production process
The production process can be switched to another product without delay.
If the database calls for a change, the previous assembly recordings are automatically de-contacted.
In the shortest possible time (plug-and-produce), the mounting fixture can then be exchanged in just a few simple steps.
Contacting and calling up the worker assistance, the production parameters, etc. for the new product takes place fully automatically via the software.
Incorrect contacting is avoided by built-in sensors.
Commercial Benefits
A timely adjustment to market fluctuations is possible because you can react quickly and flexibly to changes in lot sizes.
The product life cycle of the assembly machine is increased, since systems equipped in this way can be quickly reconfigured even if the customer changes models.
Keyword future-proof: Systems can be used longer and more flexibly.
The training time for new employees is reduced enormously, since no advanced skills are required for the configuration.
Examples of interchangeable mounting fixtures
The data and illustrations given correspond to the current state of development. Changes to the design or the technical equipment can be made without notice. Errors excepted.