Internal Whistleblowing System

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Brainware Solutions GmbH is committed to complying with ethical and legal standards. For the purpose of detection and prevention of violations, we have established an internal whistleblowing system. All employees as well as our business partners (suppliers, customers, etc.) have the opportunity to report violations of laws, policies, or the code of conduct here.


The whistleblowing system serves as an internal reporting channel and is managed by the independent external service provider DSM-Online GmbH. Thus, the utmost protection and anonymity are ensured for whistleblowers, affected individuals, as well as the employees involved in investigating the report.


The whistleblowing system is solely for receiving and processing reports of actual or perceived violations of laws, policies, or the code of conduct. It is not available for general complaints or product and warranty inquiries.


Please only provide information if you are certain that the facts provided are true. Knowingly making false claims or providing untrue facts should be avoided, as the whistleblower may potentially be held liable.

To submit a report internally, please click on the button to redirect to our whistleblowing system, select your language, and follow the instructions on the website.

Submit report

Alternatively, you can also access the whistleblowing system by scanning the QR code provided.